Vapman Basic Vaporizer - Portable Herbal Vaporizer Reviews for the product - Vapman Basic Vaporizer - Portable Herbal Vaporizer (Back to product)
31 Product Reviews - Average rating 4.7 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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- 04/23/2009

Great product I bought it a year a go and it works great the only problem i have is that its shape of it is kinda hard to conceal in a pant pocket but it is very small


- 01/08/2010

Ok. I got it two days ago and I think I finally got it! Even reading these reviews, it is going to take some time to figure it out for yourself. There are many factors to play with (ie flame length, how close you hold the flame to the pan, and how long you hold the flame to it for). Once you figure it all out, watch out! This thing is awesome!


- 06/09/2009

Just got it today. It works! It is well made and was well thought out. Just treat it well and it looks like it'll last. My first hit had me feeling real fine. It took me about 5 tries to get it hot enough to vaporize the herb. Seems efficient and definitely effective. I didn't pack the bowl too much to allow air flow but I got nice vapor density. For me, 1 good draw and the bowl is mostly done. It's a good draw though. This thing is small and light. The eggshell case doesn't fit in your jean pocket too well though. Overall, great product. Nice lighter.

Great Product! Highly Recommanded

- 01/19/2010


Bought it around 10 month ago and did use it daily since.
Great product. Very clean and intensive high. Much better than smoked with tobacco IMHO.

I think I´m using it at a little to hight temperature. The weed is brown when finished. There is some oil after using it comming out of the upper part.
But wtf. It hits hard. I´m a seasond smoker for over 25 years now and this little thing really gets me high and def. changed my way to consume weed.

If you are smoking inside there is close to no smell in the room. Absolutely great if you (like me) dont smoke.

Its a one person thing. You cant use to long. It gets very warm and you feel its simply not made for this. You can get only a small portion of weed in. For one person enough but not for two or more.

I really want to point out that its really stylish and its very high quality. No cheap plastic stuff. Thats a small artwork made with love. Not an industrial mass product.

Sooo, not a steall but well worth the money.

Buy! Now!

Best Result!

- 06/07/2010

I have tried volcano and don't really like the clean body high similar to eating brownies. I still prefer smoking until I try this vapman. For For sure is a small personal use and not for party more than 1. But it gets the job done. The first time trying it convince me to switch to vaping. I still prefer overheating it a bit after it has turns brown. Gives a thicker vapor and I may have combusted the herbs instead of vaping it, but sure is potent!

First experience

- 09/05/2008

This is my first experience with a portable vaporizer and I have to say I am very impressed. Its been a couple days since I received my vapman vaporizer and I finally think I mastered it.

Pros and Cons

- 09/21/2008

This item works well. PROS: Small pocket sized item Bowl is small EZ to use Works well CONS: Bowl is small - Yes it is a pro and con. It is a con if you are sharing. Requires a torch. There is a short learning curve.


- 05/14/2008

I recently bought the vapman, at first I was a little up set, about how much it cost but I got over that. Any ways the vapman works like a charm after you learn to use it. It takes a little bit to get the premise of how it is operated.

Vapman - P.S.

- 06/09/2009

I got and reviewed vapman yesterday. I posted that after 1 hit the bowl is mostly spent. That's cause I was heating up the bowl just slightly too long, it seems. I'm not getting more, better tasting puffs. Good density. I heat for 6 seconds initially, wait 2 sec. and then hit it for 2 to 3 sec. at a time, max. This helps me get the temp. right at the point of vaporization. I recommend this product. It's great. 2 reviews means I like it a lot. My friend tried it earlier and likes it as well. 4 thumbs up!

Nice piece, with old world craftsmanship

- 10/07/2009

I got mine, and it took a couple of sessions to learn to get the most of it without burning the herbs. It works very well, and is my introduction to vaporizing. I will need a dedicated home unit next. The coolest thing about this one is it's finely crafted low tech approach. It works great, and is a pleasure to own.

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