Why JyARz makes better Containers

Why JyARz makes better Containers

JyARz Glass is the optimal storage container, unlike plastic it is inert. Glass doesn’t absorb anything. Glass doesn’t leach anything and glass is infinitly recyclable and it can easily be washed clean. The inside glass core in a JyARz is removable so it can be washed or replaced easily.

But a simple glass insert has a few drawbacks which we will go over. Glass as we know lets light in, including damaging UV radiation which can aid in the decomposition of organic material. Glass shatters if it suffers a shock of which we have all experienced at one time. JyARz are better than traditional glass containers because they are wrapped with high precision, scientific grade A glass in air tight smell proof, light and water proof container. Incorporated are thick gaskets and shock absorbers inside each JyAR to protect the glass from sudden shocks and drops. Together these protective properties create a phenomenal portable storage environment for organic material.

The JyARz Story

While the creator was on a walk with a friend on a humid summer night back in 2011. I was reusing an old plastic ibuprofen container to store some herbal remedies like we all have at one point. When I opened it, my friend said, “Hey- Wouldn’t it be cool if that was made of glass?”

My friend’s suggestion utterly convinced me! From that moment on, never having designed a product in my life, I was unexpectedly but suddenly determined to try to design a small, portable, glass storage container! After searching over 6,000 patents on Google Patents and scouring the market to see if there was already  a portable container out there that fit the one I envisioned, I realized there was not!  I sketched my design, reworked it until it hit the marks I needed it to and then filled out the patent application and submitted it.  Within about a year, I received a US Patent for this design. There’s simply no other product out there like it!

After JyARz first year in the market starting in October of 2012, it was clear that people were not only purchasing JyARz, but they were spreading the word because it turned out..they loved them.  Specifically, they appreciate their day to day use and how their JyARz are completely airtight, smell proof and waterproof. Customers also say they feel good about purchasing JyARz as they are among the most eco-friendly containers available anywhere.

JyARz storage container has a commitment to our loyal and prospective customers is to continue offering the highest quality and most innovative and eco-friendly containers in the universe. We are super focused on ensuring that the JyARz brand stands with integrity in our products and conduct and our part to increase awareness of the environmental impacts of single-use plastics on our planet.

That “y” in JyARz is a reference to the “y” in Gyres. Gyres are swirling ocean currents where ocean plastic trash is piling up. Worse, the plastic is breaking down, absorbing toxins as it does. These small toxic bits of plastic are being consumed sea life because they confuse it as food. The Result: toxic plastics are entering into the marine food chain and in the end into our food chain.

We hope you will try one out! Available at www.VaporStore.com

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