International Vaporizers

These are international vaporizers for use outside of the USA where 110v or 120 is not available. Not all vaporizers fall into this category. Check out what we have to offer for the International - 220v/240v vaporizers by VaporStore!

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Arizer Air II Vaporizer

List Price: $229.99

You Save $49.99
Price: $180.00
International Voltage Step-Down Converter 220v-240v to 120v

Price: $19.95
Lotus Vaporizer - Portable Herbal Vaporizer

Price: $124.00
Solo Portable Vaporizer by Arizer

List Price: $259.00

You Save $109.05
Price: $149.95
Vapir Oxygen Mini 4.0 Vaporizer

List Price: $179.00

You Save $159.00
Price: $20.00
VapirRise Vaporizer - Ultimate 2.0

List Price: $249.99

You Save $0.04
Price: $249.95
Vapman Basic Vaporizer - Portable Herbal Vaporizer

Price: $79.95
Vapman Portable Vaporizer & Jetflame Lighter

List Price: $149.99

You Save $20.04
Price: $129.95
VaporGenie Vaporizer in COLORS - Portable Vapor Genie Vaporizer Pipe

Price: $50.00